
Museum of Military History


Free entry to the Museum of Military History with the Vienna PASS
Normal Price: Adult: €7,00 ; Child: free

This 19th century museum which lies in the centre of the Arsenal was Vienna’s first ever museum, built in a range of styles from Byzantine, Hispano-Moorish and Neo-Gothic. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of exhibitions displaying the history of the Habsburg Empire from the end of the 16th century until 1918 with the dissolution of the monarchy. The museum also claims to be the oldest and largest military history museum in the world.


  • Range of stunning architectural styles
  • Intricate mural paintings on the ceiling
  • War against the Ottomans exhibition
  • Prince Eugene exhibition
  • World War I exhibition

Did you know:

- The museum contains the car in which Francis Ferdinand and his wife were shot to death
- Prince Eugene of Savoy was originally a weakling and destined for a career in the church until the age of 19 when he changed paths and went on his way to becoming one of the most successful military men in all history
- Maria Theresa was the female ruler of Habsburgs, including a title of Duchess of Lorraine, Grand Duchess of Tuscany and Holy Roman Empress

Things to see:

Auf der Grand Tour durch das Schloß Schönbrunn bekommen Sie einen Eindruck davon, wie das Leben in der Kaiserdynastie ausgesehen haben muss. Durchstreifen Sie die aufwändig gestalteten, thematisch angeordneten Zimmer - angefangen von Kaiserin Elisabeths Schlafgemach und ihrem Toilettezimmer bis hin zu Marie Antoinettes Zimmer, das als Familienspeisezimmer diente. Lassen Sie sich überwältigen vom prächtigen Rokokodekor, der das Schloss auszeichnet und auch im Spiegelsaal zu bewundern ist, in dem Mozart bereits im Kindesalter sein erstes Konzert gab! Kommen Sie ins Staunen beim Anblick der kostbaren Teppiche, der übergroßen Gemälde und der seidenen Tapeten in der einzigartigen kaiserlichen Sommerresidenz!

Learn about the brutal fatality of Francis Ferdinand and his wife in 1914, on the 28th June at Sarajevo when they were shot in their car. The car in which it happened is on display in the museum and visitors can see the military uniform he wore, including the gun that shot them.

Visitors can admire the vast collection of guns and barrels that came from the old imperial armoury and up to WWII. The Tank Garden is not to be missed either containing a range of WWII tanks, M8 American reconnaissance vehicles and a variation of the light tank “Kürassier”, constructed on the basis of the French tank AMX13.

Monday09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday09:00 - 17:00
Thursday09:00 - 17:00
Friday09:00 - 17:00
Saturday09:00 - 17:00
Sunday09:00 - 17:00
Closed: 1st January, Easter Sunday, 1st May, 1st November, 24th December from 14:00, 25th and 31st December


Metro:U1 Südtirolerplatz - Hauptbahnhof Wien
Tram:18, D, O
Bus: 13A, 69A
Train: Quartier Belvedere

Hop On Hop Off

Route: Yellow Line
Bus Stop: Heeresgeschichtliches Museum


Militärhistorisches Institut, , Arsenal, Objekt 1, Ghegastraße, 1030  Vienna
Phone: +43 1 79561 0

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